The small and few but golden grapes that grow on our veteran 100-year-old vine plants, produce intense minerality, higher concentration and luxury Riesling wine. Under its Label “Edition alte Reben” it is enriching our range of fine wines!
In today´s Germany only a mere 10 hectares of vineyards of the 19th Century still exist. Thanks to our family´s century old winemaker tradition, we proudly own in our villages terroir a vineyard, which is certified to have been planted in 1886 with ungrafted Riesling vines by the Barzen family.
Throughout the world the search for the best of top vineyards is on - the vine´s specific origins, its outstanding quality, the greatest individuality and originality; all are in high demand! And we find that the old vines so deeply rooted in our mineral-rich slate soil show enormous potential of quality. They are less sensitive to diseases, pests and extreme weather conditions, and thus represent an important gene pool for future generations of vine plats.
We are carefully maintaining these old vines - to preserve and sustain this great heritage is one of our goals. And you are welcome to partake by becoming the sponsor to one of the unique vines!